ARC 51CAL Leather Gloves
R630,00 -
ARC Conti Jacket 15CAL
R1150,00 -
ARC Conti Pants 15CAL
R1150,00 -
ARC Synthetic Gloves
R650,00 -
ARC Tog Bag
R450,00 -
ARC12.4 CAL Shirt Reflective
R1150,00 -
ARC55 CAL Bib & Brace HRC4
R2700,00 -
ARC55 CAL Jacket HRC4
R2400,00 -
ARC55 CAL Switching Hood with True Vision Visor
R7500,00 -
ARC9.6 CAL Shirt Reflective
R949,99 -
ARC9.9 CAL Boxer Shorts Underwear
R315,00 -
ARC9.9 CAL T-Shirt Long Sleeve
R800,00 -
ARC9.9 CAL T-Shirt Short Sleeve
R750,00 -
Insulating Gloves Class 0 5000V
R1184,99 -
Insulating Gloves Class 1 10,000V
R1450,00 -
Insulating Gloves Class 2 20,000V
R1550,00 -
Safety Boot Dromex Flashtread ARC
Understanding Arc Flashes
What is an arc flash?
Arc flash is a fault current flowing through air between energized phase conductors, phase conductors to neutral or ground. It results in a rapid release of radiant(90%) and convection(10%) heat energy from the breakdown of air insulatrion into a highly conductivie plasman reach temperatures 4 times hotter than the sun(35000)causing more than 2000 burn injuries per year, and can be fatal
What causes arc flash?
Workers move near or contact energized conductors causing a spark that breaks down air insulation between conductors, and failure of equipment may create a spark that causes an arc flash between energized conductors
How is arc flash heat energy measured?
Arc flash heat is measured in Calories/cm² (Cal/cm²)
What is a Calorie?
A calorie is the energy required to raise on gram of water one degree Celsius at one atmosphere. The onset of second-degree burns may occur from 1.2 calories/cm². One calories/cm² can be equal to holding your finger over the tip of a flame of a cigarette lighter for one second.
How is arc heat energy or "incident energy" measured on the worker?
Arc flash heat energy is calculated at the worker's upper body(torso)and face. It is based on arc energy, the workers distance to the arc, and length of exposure. The arc energy at the worker's body is called the "incident energy" measured in Cal/cm²
What is the accepted worker incident energy level?
Industry standards and government agencies agree that 1.2 to 20 cal/cm² is an acceptable worker incident energy level. This exposure to arc radiant heat energy may cause a curable 2nd degree burn of the epidermis indicated by painful red skin and blisters. The damaged epidermis will regenerate without scar tissue.
Why is control of worker's incident energy important?
Controlling worker's incident energy reduces the severity of burn injuiries and saves lives. Methods we use to reduce worker incident energy levels are reduce arc flash current and clearing time movie worker farther from potential arc, wear proper Arc Thermal Performance Value(ATPV),flame Resistant(FR), clothing system, and change work method to lower arc incident energy
What is Arc Thermal Performance Value(ATPV)?
The ATPV is measured in cal/cm², and it's defined as the maximum incident heat energy that a fabric can absorb and lessen the injury to a 2nd degree burn. If the worker is exposed to a potential incident heat energy levrel of less than 4.0 cal/cm², the proper ATPV clothing system is 4. cal/cm²
What is the lifespan of ATPV Workwear
The lifespan of a garment is dependent on many factors such as wash care,storage between use and wear and tear during use. E.g. if the garment has been in use for 3 weeks and a workwear tears, the garment needs to be replaced therefore the lifespan of the garment has ended Similarly, it's important to remember that when a garnment is tested for arc rating, it has already been washed 100 times before the arc rating tests are done
What industries use ATPV Workwear
Arc clothing is used in a wide variety of industries including Mining, Manufacturing, Substations, Switch Rooms, Power Utilities and any industrial environment that requires electrical maintenance.
Why did Dromex develop an Arc range?
We recognized a need in this sector and saw the opportunity to supply high quality Arc Workwear & PPE, ex stock, at competitive prices, which aligns with the Dromex philosophy
Does Dromex Arc meet all the required standards?
All Dromex Arc Workwear & PPE has been tested to international standards at leading facilities and have not just met existing stadnards but the majority of our test results exceeded the rating on the garment.
What Arc Hazards does ATPV clothing not protect?
- Arc's blinding flash
- Molten metal burns
- Flying parts
- Sound levels that rupture the ear drums.
- Blast pressure wave that cuases worker injuiries.